Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just to get whet your appetite about our project . . .

There are so very many thing you can do with iPads in education and we hope to do many of them in our 5th grade classroom this year, but while I am working on getting the permission slips signed so we can share what we are doing, I wanted to share some really remarkable things some other folks are already doing.  For example, these students from Trinity School in Atlanta, Georgia actually played their iPads in the Atlanta Symphony Hall. 

What I love about this video is that it shows how the iPads can be used, not to replace traditional forms of education, but to extend our reach as teachers and make something possible that we might not even have contemplated before.

Stay tuned, there is so much more to come, and we will be featuring our very own students as the stars!

Many thanks to Jeffrey Morrison, Director of Technology at Trinity School, for sharing this video with me.